Foto por johnhain no Pixabay

The Role of Music in the Connection between People and Cultures

Photo by johnhain on Pixabay

Music is a form of cultural expression that plays a key role in connecting people and cultures around the world. It has the power to convey emotions, share stories and unite communities. In this article, we’ll explore how music can unite people from different backgrounds, promote mutual understanding, and strengthen a community’s cultural identity.

Music as a Universal Language

Music is a universal language that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers. She is able to communicate emotions and feelings that often cannot be expressed in words. Regardless of nationality or mother tongue, everyone can connect and enjoy the beauty of music.

When we hear a catchy melody or an inspiring lyric, we are transported into a state of emotional connection with the music and the people around us. Music has the power to bring us together, even if we don’t share the same language or culture.

Music as a Tool for Mutual Understanding

Music plays an important role in promoting mutual understanding between different cultures. By listening to music from different parts of the world, we are exposed to different musical styles, rhythms and languages. This allows us to appreciate cultural diversity and understand other people’s perspectives and experiences.

Furthermore, music can be a form of expression for social, political and environmental issues. Often, the lyrics of the songs address relevant topics such as inequality, injustice and climate change. By listening to and sharing these songs, we can promote awareness and understanding of these issues, thus strengthening the connection between different cultures.

Music as Cultural Expression

Each country and region has its own music, reflecting its history, traditions and values. Music is a form of cultural expression that preserves and spreads the traditions of a people. Through music, we can learn about the history and customs of a particular community.

Music can also be a way to celebrate cultural identities. Music festivals around the world bring together artists from different backgrounds to share their talents and celebrate cultural diversity. These events promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between artists and spectators, strengthening ties between the cultures represented.

Music as a Tool to Build Cultural Identity

Music plays a key role in shaping the cultural identity of a people. It reflects the values, beliefs and experiences of a society. Through music, we can convey important messages about social, political and environmental issues.

Music can also be a way of uniting people from different backgrounds and cultures. Multicultural music festivals are examples of how music can promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. By celebrating diversity, these events strengthen the cultural identity of a community or country.

Music as a Tool for Social Transformation

Does music have the power to inspire and motivate people? I think there’s no doubt about that, and I dare anyone to argue that it isn’t. It can influence the choices and behaviors of groups, awaken emotions and even initiate social movements. Song lyrics often address social issues and incite reflection and action.

By valuing and supporting local music, we are directly contributing to social transformation in our community. By promoting local artists and giving space for their voices to be heard, we end up strengthening cultural identity and encouraging individual expression of our own identity.

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Music as a Therapy

Music can also play a therapeutic role in people’s lives. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of music therapy in the treatment of mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. It is more than proven that it has the power to calm the mind, reduce stress and promote emotional well-being.

In addition, music can help in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Research shows that listening to music that is meaningful to patients can stimulate neural pathways in the brain, helping them maintain a higher level of cognitive functioning.

The Incredible Reaction of Ballerina Marta González

What is known is that in Cuba she was called Rosamunda; in Madrid and New York, Marta Cinta; however, on her Spanish identity card, she was listed as Marta González Saldaña. Undoubtedly, none of these names tells anything; however, if we just observe the lady who moves energetically to the sound of Swan Lake from her wheelchair, maybe it can cause some strangeness in the first few seconds, but everything transforms in moments when we realize the context, and she seems natural. The video of this former ballerina that went viral on the Internet made its way through informal communities and different media, and awakened energy for the delicacy of her image.

In her advanced age, the Spanish dancer, who once ran a dance organization in New York, experienced a cognitive decline disorder and was in a wheelchair. Be that as it may, the power of the music was enough to open up the memory of her earlier years as a dancer. As the groundbreaking, groundbreaking music of the heartfelt expressive dance plays through his headphones, a flicker of recognition and sadness appears on González’s face.

Within seconds, her hands naturally return to the effortless movements she’s already performed in front of countless audiences. In the song’s crescendo, González completely loses herself in the performance, her movements and looks mirroring those she had mastered many years before.

The video, filled with clips of another ballerina – not González herself, as was recently suspected – performing during the 1960s, was initially filmed a year ago.

However, as individuals across the world seek solace in music, clasp has resurfaced and has been watched through web-based entertainment by individuals across the globe, including choreographer and head theater artist Arlene Phillips.

“This made me extremely upset earlier today. The brief look down memory lane, pity those with or a friend or family member living with Alzheimer’s. Support @alzheimerssoc and @AlzResearchUK.” “If music and movement can restore or retain memory, what a value,” she wrote in her tweet.

Last year, Britain’s welfare secretary said dance rallies should be endorsed for more dementia patients to avoid “over-medicalized” therapy. One investigation found that providing patients with playlists of individual songs led to a 60% reduction in the need for a prescription.

It is important to remember that dance and music go hand in hand, and there is an important and relevant point about dance here. Like music, it is a cultural manifestation that, when performed in a group, it is not necessarily necessary for these people to speak the same language for it to happen. Just join to dance! But, that’s a topic for another article.

In conclusion, several different investigations have demonstrated how music can help those suffering from cognitive decline disorder, but also other states of being.

Sadly, Marta C. González has passed away. However, the magnificence of her artistic specialty that she developed during her lifetime lives on, and continues to inspire generations.


Marta C. González.

And what can we conclude?

Music has the power to connect people and cultures, promote mutual understanding and strengthen cultural identity. It transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, communicating emotions and conveying important messages. It is a complete universal language that unites and inspires us. By valuing and appreciating the musical diversity that exists at the top of this land, without preconceived barriers, that is, without any prejudice, we can build a much more inclusive, creative and resilient society. Music is the universal language of all souls. It will be?

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